Friday, January 31, 2014

Cookies with Jackson

Tonight Lily had a birthday party/sleepover to go to so I asked Jackson what he would like to do?  Figuring he would ask to go to some play place or Bass Pro, I somewhat mentally prepared myself for that.  (Can you tell how much I love both of those places? :-)  Well, his answer totally surprised me.  "Mommy, I want to go to the grocery store and get stuff to make cookies!  And then I want to put frosting on them!  And then we can make chocolate cookies with chocolate chips!  And then, I want to make a chocolate cake too, Mommy!"  Well...we narrowed it down to sugar cookies with frosting.  This boy is just like me in the sweet department.  Limits?  What limits?  Haha!
He got a new monkey apron from Grandma L. for Christmas that he was able to wear for the first time.  He loved it!  We had such a great time baking together!  He was so excited to use the roller, Valentine's Day cookie cutters, put them on the baking sheet, and of course, sneak a bite of cookie dough (or two) in the process!  As wild as he can be, he was actually gentle with the cookie dough when I asked him to be and enjoyed learning how to use all of the "tools".  Granted, there was frosting to look forward to so I know there was an extra incentive for him to stay involved in the process as long as he did!  And when the frosting part came, he went full speed!  I had to stop him from emptying the entire sprinkles jar on one cookie!  I knew that wildness would come out at some point :-)

Enjoy some pictures of our fun mommy/son cookie baking time!

check out that pile of sprinkles!

Happy Jack...all sugared up!

1 comment:

carissab said...

I love all the chocolate requests! ; )

I changed my font at