Monday, August 25, 2014

All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth!

What is seeming to now become a trend, we discovered that although one of Lily's front teeth was loose, it was not planning to come out on its own.  And...her permanent tooth was coming in behind it! (again!)  So, off to the dentist we went...

Her "before" shot
What I did not realize at the time was that the dentist was not only going to take out the loose baby tooth, but the other front tooth as well! (It was not even remotely loose.) He said she needed the space so the other permanent tooth would not do the same thing. Poor Lily. She had quite the ordeal having two teeth removed, but she handled it so well.  

Her "after" shot with her teeth in the treasure box
As we were discussing teeth and the tooth fairy on the way home from the dentist, Lily asked, "what does the tooth fairy do with all the teeth?" I attempted to drop the subject with a quick "I don't know" so as to avoid any further questions that would require imaginative responses, but Lily was not satisfied with that answer. As we were getting ready for bed, I caught her writing this note...

Talk about the kiss of death for this tired mama! I was already trying to figure out how I was going to stay awake long enough to complete the mission, let alone come up with a "fairy" type answer to her question. Not to mention, she knows my chicken scratch handwriting by now so I was going to have to bring back the school girl cursive to make it look legit. So I did what any 21st century mom would do...I Googled her question! I quickly found that had many answers to all things tooth fairy. I decided on this as my response...

Now, if I were completely on my game I would have used some sort of glitter pen with fairy dust but it was after 10pm and I was in no mood for fanciness :). Anyhow, she completely bought it and was so excited to receive a response from the "Tooth Fairy"! In fact, I honestly think she cared more about the note than the money we left her. That is totally Lily.

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