It's true. Lily will be a big sister in October! My mom brought out these adorable jammies on her last visit and Lily puffs up each time she wears them. She is loving the idea of having a little brother or sister.
Every now and then, she will come up to me and ask "Mommy, is that baby still in your belly?"
When I reply "Yes", she then begins to have a conversation with my belly as if I am not there. It usually goes like this:
"Hey Baby, are you in there? I am going to be your big sister soon! Can you come out now, please?"
Justin and I are very excited to add another member to the family. She will find out if she is having a brother or sister the end of May.
We have been preparing her new bedroom downstairs and are planning to make the transition to her "big girl room" sometime this summer.
Here's a picture of her new bedding. I just love it. And she does too! The owls are actually named "Joy" and "Penny". Adorable.