Monday, January 28, 2013

Sweetness through Sickness

Lily has always been a pretty tough little girl.  She usually only cries when her feelings are hurt, or she REALLY is hurt.
The other night, we suffered through her first ear infection in a long time.  She had tubes put in at 15 months old and has maybe only had one or two since then.  Now that the tubes are long gone (which help to lessen the pain), this infection was especially painful.  And since the on-set didn't arrive until 7:30pm, there wasn't much I could do besides pain medicine.  And that didn't seem to help much.
As I was trying every home remedy on the internet I could find, nothing seemed to be working.  My heart was breaking for her as I knew, through her tears, she was really in pain.  As I sat next to her lying on the couch, rubbing her head, I said "I'm so sorry, Lily.  I'm trying everything I can to help the pain go away."
She then surprised me (once again) by replying through tears, "I know you are, Mom.  And you're doing great!"

That girl.  This is one of few times I'm without words. 

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