Monday, June 9, 2014

Jackson's Preschool Program

On May 15th, Jackson completed his first year of Preschool!  His teacher put together a fun program for the parents to watch and listen to all the kids have learned this year.
Daddy and I were both there to observe as Jackson recited his ABC's, shapes, numbers, and sang a few songs.
He was doing great until towards the end of the program, Jackson decided he "didn't want to" (his words) sing the "Going on a Bear Hunt" song.  Even after much prompting from his teacher, he just sat there stone-faced while the other kids did all the motions with huge grins.  Oh Jackson!  Apparently that was out of character for him as his teacher said that was one of his favorite songs that he usually sang with great gusto!  Oh well.  It gave us great video footage for the future :)

We love you, Jackson!  We are so proud of all you have learned this year in Preschool!

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