On our last trip out to CA, my sister brought out the infamous "Barbie Bags" my mom made for both my sister and I when we were kids. Sarah finally decided it was time to clean out the garage and pass them along to Lily.
What a walk down memory lane Sarah and I had in her living room going through all the headless Barbies, the 80's outfits, the "original" My Little Pony's, and to my sister's dismay...the leg-less horses!! (My sister was a huge horse-lover). We managed to sift through and weed out those that did not survive the 20-year journey and we brought them back home to Kansas City.
It is such a nostalgic feeling watching Lily play with the same Barbies and Ponies my sister and I used to fight over.
I just hope there are not any major health-hazardous chemicals in those things!
That is soo cute! What a nice story :) I'm sure there are no chemicals! And if so, they are dead by now! haha!!
I cannot believe you gals had saved all of your childhood Barbies and ponies--that is awesome! I am sure it is truly special to watch Lily play with all those memoires. BTW, her hair looks really red? I LOVE IT (considering I have three red-heads of my own)!!!
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