Friday, September 17, 2010

Sibling Class

Last night, Lily attended a Sibling Class at the hospital to prepare for her new brother.

This class was geared towards siblings between 3-9 years old and gave many helpful age-appropriate tips on how to handle the babies and what to expect. She was taught how to hold the baby and what not to give them (i.e. keys, coins, and other small objects). She also watched a silly video about diaper changing and her important job of being a "Big Sister".

The nurse instructing the class provided each child with a little stuffed duck to wrap and put in a basket at the nurses' station until the baby arrives. Once I have the baby, Lily will go with the nurse to get her gift for her brother and give it to him. Great idea and what a great way to involve Lily in the celebration of her new brother!

We got to tour the mother/baby unit and Lily got to see one of the rooms where I might be staying. We also got to see a baby in the nursery through the window. Lily was sure to ask the nurse what the "low-jack" band was for on the baby's foot. She also wanted to know why one of the other babies was crying in the background when they were checking weight/vitals/etc.

Overall, this was a great class and a wonderful opportunity for Lily to be involved in welcoming her new brother soon!

On the way home, Lily talked about how she was ready to be "Mommy's helper". I'm ready for that too!

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