We decided to drop Lily off at daycare and then head to the hospital...after a shower and throwing some last-minute things together. It was about 6:45am when we left the house...near "prime-time" for traffic on a Tuesday morning. By the time we dropped Lily off at daycare at 7:00am, I was having MAJOR contractions- about 2 every 5 minutes and it was still at least a 20 minute commute (or more given the traffic) for us to the hospital. We didn't make it to our hospital of choice (St. Luke's- Plaza) and stopped off at another one on the way (St. Luke's East- Lees Summit). By this time, my water broke and we were headed to the labor & delivery room.
The nursing staff was fantastic at getting us to a room right away- I was dialated to a 5 and 80% effaced. We checked in at 7:10am and after exactly 3 hours of labor, I delivered our son, Jackson Lee Bolinger at 10:10am.
His statistics: 8 lbs. 6 oz. 20" long
We are overjoyed with our new arrival and Lily is so happy to finally be able to hold and kiss her new baby brother.
LOVE these new pictures! The one with four of you is a great family photo!! I CANNOT wait to get my hands on him!!
LOVE these new pictures! The one with four of you is a great family photo!! I CANNOT wait to get my hands on him!!
Glad you are here too Jack. Can't wait to see you :D Tell Mommy she's going to have to start your own blog soon :D
You guys are just as cute as ever! And in that last picture, oh my! He looks like he is 3 months old! CUTE!
Still can't get over this last pic, Michelle! And I can't wait to get my hands on him again!!
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