Friday, August 12, 2011

Jackson - 10 month update

This has been an exciting month full of a lot of "firsts". Jackson's two bottom teeth finally poked through and he seems to enjoy the feeling of having teeth in his mouth. He also started making a clicking sound with his tongue. Not sure if that is because of the new teeth, but it's cute, nonetheless.

(this was the best shot I had of his teeth- his lower lip is still covering them)

He had his first time to the beach this month! And, I'm happy to report he loved it! He especially loved the sand....enough to eat it non-stop. Changing those diapers was an interesting experience :) He had a good time splashing in the buckets of water, crawling around in the sand, and taking little trips down to the waves.

And finally, Jackson started walking!! I can't believe it! He was taking little steps here and there last month, but after our 2 week trip in California at Grandma & Grandpa's house, he gained enough confidence to explore beyond cruising the furniture. He looks like a mini-Frankenstein walking with his arms up. He is so fun to watch and the expressions on his face are priceless. He is so excited to have learned a new "trick". (I don't have any pictures of him walking yet...more to come!)

with Aunt Lauren

eating a lemon with Grandma

with Grandpa- where he gets his "Losie grin" from

waking up in the tent at Leo Carrillo Beach

getting into mischief in Grandma's pantry


Emily Blair said...

I love the shot with him and your dad - total Losie grin! :)

Michelle said...

Thanks Emily! Glad to hear another "Losie" seeing the same thing I do :)

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