Well..there is only one way to describe Jackson lately, and that is "crack-up". He is consistently doing silly things or making funny noises that make us laugh. And we love it! This "skill" of his has come in handy when he is in trouble too. Although we are becoming more firm with him on setting boundaries, he is always testing the limits. I am convinced that is "Daddy's gene" and not mine :).
He had his 15 month Dr. appointment and is measuring in the 75% range for height and 25% range for weight. Long and lean...just like his Grandpa B!
Jackson has become more "chatty" within the past couple of months. Along with his staple, "ba" for ball, he is starting to say "uh oh", "og" or "gog" for dog, "ra-ra" for Sarah (both aunts!), and his Uncle Bill taught him "ho ho ho" when we were visiting for Christmas! We have been working on animal sounds too and that has been a riot. His facial expressions make it look as though it is physically hurting him to make the animal noise! He is very serious about it too! It is obvious that he sincerely wants to learn how to talk, it is just not coming as quickly to him as his gross motor skills.
And speaking of which, Jackson is not lacking skill in that area! He is running, attempting to hop, and climbing. It is truly amazing what this boy is capable of! He is also learning to eat with a spoon and is still improving this skill. There have been many a mess to clean up, but I keep telling myself it will come with time. I introduced crayons to him (the large ones) and he is learning how to hold the crayon and draw (although very aggressively!). And, if I am successful at keeping it out of his mouth, that is a huge plus.
Jackson can identify all of his major body parts and is able to complete simple tasks, such as "take this to the trash", or "put this in the shoe basket" or "laundry basket". He really enjoys having some responsibility. Go figure...he's a Bolinger boy!
He is still an avid fan of the "paci". I have a real feeling that getting rid of it is going to be a much more difficult task than it was with Lily. The look of pure joy on his face when he finds, not one, but TWO paci's in the house is priceless. He typically sits down and alternates them one after the other. If only that was a necessary skill to learn! :)
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