Friday, May 28, 2010

Baby brother!!

Justin and I took Lily to our 20 week ultrasound doctor's appointment. I have been looking forward to this opportunity for Lily to see the baby, so she knows there is actually something really in there making Mommy's belly grow!
She was such a hoot. She had to wear her necklaces, bracelets, and a ring to the doctor's office. Apparently, it was an occasion to dress up.
The sonographer, Diana, was the same one who scanned Lily at this stage of pregnancy so it was neat to have an opportunity to introduce them.
Diana is such a sweet woman- and so well-suited for her job. She was so great with Lily and explained everything she was doing, step-by-step. Lily's favorite part? The gel they put on my belly!
The baby was in the breach position, so it took a while to determine the gender, but Diana was able to maneuver well's a BOY and measuring perfectly! We are all thrilled and excited to welcome Lily's baby brother to the family.
Justin took Lily back to school and per Ms. Ann, she could not stop talking about having a baby brother!! Ms. Ann said she almost did not take a nap because she was wanting to make some paintings for her brother's room.
We know Lily will be a great helper to us and such a loving big sister!
Enjoy some sonogram pictures:

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